What Disabilities Are Covered By Special Education?


IDEA covers 13 types of disabilities. These categories include autism, hearing impairment and intellectual disability (which used to be referred to as “mental retardation”). Another category, called “specific learning disability,” applies to many kids who have learning and attention issues. For Educational Evaluations in US visit UT Evaluators

A specific learning disability most often affects skills in reading, writing, listening, speaking, reasoning and doing math. Common learning issues in this category include:

A. Dyslexia: Difficulty with reading, writing, spelling, speaking

B. Dyscalculia: Difficulty doing math problems, understanding time and money, remembering math facts

C. Dysgraphia: Difficulty with handwriting, spelling, organizing ideas

D. Dyspraxia: Difficulty with hand-eye coordination, balance, fine motor skills

E. Auditory processing disorder: Difficulty interpreting what the ear hears (which is different from having a hearing impairment)

F. Visual processing issues: Difficulty interpreting what the eye sees (which is different from having a visual impairment)

Specific learning disabilities are very common. Some 2.4 million students in U.S. schools have been identified as having a learning disability.[1] This is the largest disability category of students receiving special education. Educational Evaluations in US check  here

There’s a separate category called “other health impairment.” It’s defined as having limited strength or alertness, which affects educational performance. Children with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are often covered by this category.


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