Liposuction is actually a procedure in which the excess fats are taken off from the body of an individual in order to change the shape of the body. This is also known as plastic surgery in which the reshaping of body parts is done. The fats removed in this process are resistant to the exercise and diet.
Liposuction can be done on many parts of human body. One thing should be made clear that it is not intended to lose weight but to improve the contour of the body and bring it into better shape. Some important details of liposuction are discussed in this article.
The Risks of Liposuction are as follows:
1. It has a gradual healing process that can involve moderate scarring, bruising that may last up to 4-5 months after the surgery, and possible vomiting for the few days following the procedure.
2. It may lead to nutritional deficiencies from malabsorptive operations, or anemia.
3. It can cause thrombophlebitis, which is when a blood clot forms in a vein causing that vein to become significantly inflamed. This is more likely when the area treated is inside the knee or upper thigh.
4. Patients may experience numbness in certain areas for several weeks following the procedure, but numbness is usually only temporary.
5. There are risks of skin infections resulting from liposuction. While this is rare, the skin infections may require surgery to fix and could result in scarring.
6. Inflammation surrounding the treated areas can occur for up to 6 months after the surgery, this can also be accompanied with fluids oozing from the incisions.
7. With such significant amounts of fluids being pumped and suctioned through the body, the change in fluid levels may possibly be problematic for your heart and kidney in the future.
8. It can also be problematic for a patient’s lungs as it can cause pulmonary embolism, which is when fat enters the bloodstream and then the heart, and it can cause pulmonary edema, which is when fluid accumulates in the lungs.
9. The friction from the cannulas may cause skin burns, which can cause damage to both the skin and the nerves in the treated areas. (Skin always has a possibility to be damaged from liposuction)
10. And, of course, there is always a possibility and risk of the patient having an allergic reaction, or just a bad reaction, to the anesthesia, which can always be life-threatening in the worst cases.
There are quite a few risks involved with liposuction, but don’t let those risks make you panic. Lipo has generally been a very safe procedure, especially if done by a qualified medical professional in a properly equipped doctor’s office, surgery center, or hospital. To know more details on Liposuction visit Oksociety
However, as always, you must consult your doctor to make sure liposuction is right for you, as certain conditions might increase the possibility of the risks associated with lipo. Otherwise, it has been a very successful procedure for many people every year, so don’t be scared to ask!
The Benefits of Liposuction are as follows:
1. It can enhance the shape and contour of your body.
2. It may help to, or completely remove, lipomas, which are benign fatty tumors in certain areas of the body.
3. It can help men that suffer from gynecomastia (when men develop excessive amounts of fatty breast tissue) by removing the fatty breast tissue.
4. It can help treat lipodystrophy syndrome, which is when there is a fat metabolism disturbance in which there is excessive fat in some areas of the body, but none in others.
5. The effects of lipo can be very long-lasting so long as the patient’s weight does not greatly increase any time after the procedure.
6. It can improve the appearance of someone’s body, making it more natural looking, for someone who has, for instance, had a gastric band or bypass procedure by correcting abnormalities that resulted from the weight loss, like excess skin.
7. It can help treat excessive sweating in the armpit areas, as well as chafing in other areas, such as the thighs.
8. The results are for the most part immediate, so you can enhance your appearance in as little as a day. Besides swelling, which may take a few weeks to subside, the enhancements are immediate.
9. It often influences better habits, such as exercise and good dieting, as the results of lipo must be maintained.
10. It can improve a person’s well-being by improving severe imbalances and abnormalities in the body’s appearance. While it is not a substitute for a healthy living style, it can make you feel good.
Now, it is very important to remember that plastic surgery is still surgery, so there are many possible risks involved in undergoing the procedure. While some seem moderate and just a matter of common sense, others are certainly very serious and can lead to life threatening side effects. So, anyone interested in undergoing lipo should know the risks involved rather than going in blind.
Visit Personiks to know more about the treatment and cost of Liposuction treatment in Hyderabad.